Data Extraction
Data Extraction
- Title
- Author
- Country in which the study conducted
- Study design
- A Survey-based study
- Randomised controlled trial
- Case-control study
- Historically controlled trial
- Prospective cohort study
- Retrospective cohort study
- Hypothesis study
- Cross-sectional observational study
- K-means cluster analyses
- Others
- Population description
- Inclusion Criteria
- Exclusion Criteria (because some of the participants in the articles do not meet the include criteria, but the proportion is very small)
- Group difference
- Method of recruitment of participants
- Population data
- Total number of participants
- Number of withdrawals
- Reason for withdrawals
- Other
- Population Characteristics
- Mean age (years) ± SD
- Age Category(Range)
- Gender Distribution
- Identity
- Educational level
- Ethnic Background
- Language Proficiency
- Physical Ability
- Nationality
- Marital Status
- Residency or Migrant(e.g Participants must have lived in the city for at least six months.)
- Household income
- Job
- Health
- Family composition
- Others
Intervention / Exposure
- Intervention categories
- Outdoor Built environment
- Urban environment
- Public open space
- Plazas and square
- Urban green space
- Sports and Recreation Areas
- Accessibility to transportation
- Proximity to city center
- Visual appeal
- Walkable accessibility/distances/ pedestrian walkway
- Sub-urban environment
- Environmental factors
- Air pollution
- Sunlight
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Noise
- Intervention characteristics
- Number of participants allocated
- Frequency
- Percentages
- Other
- Outcome categories
- Mental health
- Well-being
- Subjective Well Being (SWB)
- Comfort
- Satisfaction
Outcome Type
- continuous(e.g data,score)
- dichotomous(e.g true or false)
Outcome details
CR:Composite Reliability
- Cα: Cronbach's Alpha
- SFL: standardized factor loading
- AVE:average variance extracted
- VIF:variance inflation factor.
- Fornell–Larcker(F-L)criteria
- heterotrait–monotrait(HTMT)ratio
- T Value
- beta coefficients(β)
- 95% CI
- P-value
Continuous data
- Sum
- Median
- IQR(Interquartile Range)
- Range
- P-value
- beta coefficients(β)
- 95% confidence intervals(95%CI)
Dichotomous data