About the Project
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This project reviews various machine learning models to predict the heating and cooling demand of commercial buildings in Georgia state. To ensure the diversity of potential features, we include both numerical and categorical feature as independent variable.
Repository Structure
The repository follows the structure below:
Note that 'Model Training Workflow' is the main body of model training in this project, whereas 'Multivariate Regression Model' and 'energy_game' show a sample pipeline from model training to deployment application.
The frontend of energy_game follows the structure below:
├─ ...
├─ app
| ├─ api/predict ## forwards frontend to a Flask API for prediction, and returns prediction
| ├─ components ## frontend components and corresponding css files
| ├─ data ## defaultBuilding.json
| ├─ flask-api ## flask backend
| ├─ fonts ## fonts
| ├─ favicon.ico ## website icon
| ├─ globals.css ## global styles
| ├─ layout.tsx ## layout of Next.js app
| ├─ page.tsx ## main page with frontend components
| └─ three-types.d.ts ## GLTFLoader for previewer
└─ ...
The backend of energy_game follows the structure below:
├─ ...
├─ app
| ├─ flask-api
| | ├─ Model_Cooling_1104 ## desc
| | | ├─ X13_EnergyCode_encoder.pkl ##
| | | ├─ X14_HVAC_encoder.pkl ##
| | | ├─ X1_Type_encoder.pkl ##
| | | ├─ X3_Shape_encoder.pkl ##
| | | ├─ gbr_best_Y2.sav ##
| | | └─ gbr_best_Y2_compat.joblib ##
| | |
| | ├─ Model_Heating_1104 ## contains similar files as Model_Cooling_1104
| | ├─ app.py ## desc
| | └─ requirements.txt ## desc
└─ ...
Getting Started
Run with Python 3.12.5 (otherwise there are issues with the .pkl files)
Install node.js
Setup to run locally
- Clone the repository using
- Navigate to the project folder
- Run front end locally using
- To run the flask backend, open a new terminal and navigate to the energy_game/app/flask-api folder. Make sure to have the required python libraries. You can then run app.py without any errors
Model Information
We collected all of the necessary data for training from ComStock - NREL.
Our refined and merged datasets can be found here
Below is a screenshot of all variables (both input and output):
Summary of the datasets is as follows:
We reviewed several popular machine learning models, systematically categorized into Parametric Regression, Non-Parametric Regression, and Ensemble Learning.
Parametric Regression
- Multiple Linear Regression
Non-Parametric Regression
- Support Vector Regression
- K-Nearest Neighbor Regression
Ensemble Learning
- Extreme Gradient Boosting
- Categorical Boosting
- Light Gradient Boosting
- Gradient Boosting
- Extra Trees
- Random Forest
The following graphs represent the model's performance on training and testing datasets
Currently, the game is deployed at: https://surrogate-model-game.vercel.app/
We used two web deployment services: Vercel and Render. For the frontend, we used Vercel, and for the backend we used Render
Name | Seniority | Major | Department | GitHub Handle |
Joseph M. Aerathu | Masters | Architecture (HPB) | ARCH | jma1999 |
Anubha Mahajan | Senior | Computer Science | COC | amahajan68 |
Jessica Hernandez | Senior | Computer Science | COC | jhernandez312 |
Han-Syun Shih | Masters | Architecture (HBP) | ARCH | hshih38 |
Hang Xu | PhD | Architecture | ARCH | HangXXXu |